Review of Richest Man in Babylon, Learn the Secrets of Rich and the Laws of Wealth Building Part Two of Three

After the rich money lender became Arkad's mentor, he worked hard, resisted the temptation of spending and paid himself 10% of all his earnings. Then he gave his saved money to a bricker to buy jewelry from overseas so he could sell these for higher price in Babylon. A year later, when the rich money lender came to the shop he inquired about Arkad's progress. Arkad told him the story, but his mentor said to him his savings would be gone.
Arkad was told that he should not trust the knowledge of a brick maker about jewels, but instead should have gone to a jewelry merchant. You must invest your money with someone who is competent and experienced in their field in order to make your money multiply. It happened exactly as the rich money lender said, the brick maker was sold colored glass instead of jewels and Arkad lost all his savings. However he did not give up, as his mentor had taught, he planted another wealth seed.
When the rich money lender returned a year later, Arkad was doing quite well, he lent his saved money to a trusted shield maker and got regular rental fees. However, he then spent this money on fine wine, food and clothes, his mentor said, he should acquire a army of golden slaves first, and then he can enjoy many rich banquets without regret.
Two years later when the rich money lender returned, he was satisfied with Arkad's progress. Arkad followed his instructions to learn to live on less money, then sought advice from wise men who were competent through their own experience and learned to make gold work for him. The rich money lender told Arkad that he was competent and fit for a responsible position and asked him to look after his lands as his sons were only think of spending. The rich money lender made Arkad his parter and as Arkad mastered the three laws of handling wealth he prospered. When his mentor died Arkad inherited shares he left for him.
Arkad's poor friends were puzzled and asked if the secret was that simple and all men did it, how would there be enough wealth to go around. Arkad replied “Wealth grows wherever men exert energy” “wealth grows in magical ways, no man can ever predict its limits”. He advised his poor friends to say themselves everyday A PART OF ALL YOU EARN IS YOURS TO KEEP!
When the king of Babylon realized that most of the city's wealth was concentrated with just a few wealthy people and most of his citizens were poor he invited The Richest Man in Babylon
– Arkad, to teach his secret of acquiring wealth to all his citizens. Generous Arkad was happy to teach his secret and he taught his knowledge to a school of teachers, so that they could teach to the rest of the citizens.
The following are the SEVEN REMEDIES FOR A LEAN PURSE that he taught to the people of Babylon:
The following are the SEVEN REMEDIES FOR A LEAN PURSE that he taught to the people of Babylon:
Remedy 1: Start fattening your purse.
Remedy 2: Control your expenditures.
Remedy 3: Make your gold multiply.
Remedy 4: Guard your treasures from loss.
Remedy 5: Make your home a profitable investment.
Remedy 6: Ensure a future income.
Remedy 7: Increase your ability to earn.
At the end Arkad encouraged his students that there is more gold in Babylon, than they can dream of and there is abundance for all and encouraged them to take action to acquire them. Action will lead you forward to the success you desire and men of action are favored by good luck.
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