Donald Trump's Presidency - the World's Most Hated, Untrustworthy, Dangerous, and the Biggest Threat to the Democracy, Global Trade, Peace and Prosperity

Introduction to the World's Most Dangerous Man

In my opinion, Donald Trump, the current president of the United States is the most dangerous person in the world. He has become the most hated, untrustworthy, and dangerous leader for so many reasons. He is not just the biggest threat for the American Democracy, tthe traditional Republican Party, but also the biggest obstacle for the global trade, peace , prosperity, and also in fighting against the Coronavirus and climate change.

According to the Surveys, Donald Trump is the most Hated, Untrustworthy, and Dangerous Leader in the world, and the Biggest Threat to the World's Peace and ProsperityHe is "the King of Hatred, Lies, Racist, Division, Fear, Tensions, Bombshells and Wars". It's Karma, what goes around comes around. 

Under Trump's leadership America has not just lost its soul, but also the global leadership, reputation and aspiration being a role model. Donald Trump has created a toxic culture of normalizing and feeding the climate of lies, hate, racism, fear, blame, divisions, tensions, use of offensive and outrageous languages, wars, corruption, abuse of national power for personal revenge, white supremacy, demonizing the blacks, China and non-white immigrants. 

Donald Trump's Presidency - the Rise of the Devil, New Hitler and the Dark Force! 

Donald Trump's presidency is based on Hitler's horrific ideologies, controlled by Putin's Mafia state - Russia, supported by "the King Maker" - Rupert Murdoch's Evil Media Empire - News Corp and Fox News, surrounded by criminal gangs (at least six of his former senior advisers and close associates were convicted) , and cheered by far-right groups, racists and white supremacists. The 1930s Nazi German history is repeating again in today's America.

The Devil, New Hitler, the Joker, and the Criminal Moved into the White House

The Devil

According to a study, more than a quarter of Americans believe "Donald Trump is a Tool of the Devil."  The polls in August 2020 indicated that a sizable majority Americans believe that the nation is heading for the wrong direction.

 The New Hitler and his Horrifying Ideologies

Donald Trump is a soul destroying monster. He has started many wars and created an army of enemies. He always spread lies, tensions, fear, negativity, drop bombshells, and upset people.  

He cares about nothing, but is only interested in getting re-elected, power, money, inciting racism, hatred, division, demonizing China and immigrants, tweeting with abusive languages, Nazi Hitler's fascism and white supremacy, self-praising, dictating the world, and "young, slim, beautiful white women".

Donald Trump's presidency is based on Hitler's horrifying ideologies, including racism, right-wing white supremacy, extreme nationalism and he even copied Hitler's "Make Germany Great Again" into "Make America Great Again" slogan. The promise that Hitler made to the angry, unhappy and poverty stricken Germans in 1930s for a better life blamed Jews, socialists and communists. He deceived the Germans with rhetoric propaganda and led the Germans to the darkest time of their history and World War II. 

Many people are not aware that "Make America Great Again" is originally from Adolf Hitler's speeches in 1930s. Hitler used  "Make Germany Great Again"  to target the people who were  experiencing the economic deprivation due to the the debt had to pay for losing the World War One, the hyperinflation and the recession due to the impact of the America's Great Depression. Hitler targeted these unhappy and angry people promising "Make Germany Great Again", and blamed the Jews, the communists and socialists for their hardship. That's how he duped Germans and led them to the darkest time in history.

Sounds familiar? Donald Trump read Hitler's collected speeches of My New Order and the history has repeated again. During the 2016 election campaign, he used "Make America Great Again" as Hitler did and targeted the people who were forgotten by the Washing elites, the angry and unhappy people who lost their jobs due to globalization, and he took advantage of anti-immigrants sentiment. 

He blamed the previous Obama and Bush administrations, and China. He promised to ban some Muslim countries and to build Trump Wall/Mexican Wall along with the Mexican border and also blamed the Mexicans for bring drugs, criminals and rapists to the country. Under Donald Trump's leadership, the most Americas are experiencing the darkest time of their lives.

The Joker

Donald Trump is also compared to the Joker, who has brought the hate, darkness, chaos and negativity not just to the US, but the entire world. 

The Devil, New Hitler and the Joker lives in the White House, the World's Most Dangerous man - Donald Trump must be defeated, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable. 

The Criminal

Donald Trump is above the law, this is due to the immunity from the American justice system. As the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris pointed out in her speech, America has two justice system; one for the powerful and one for the ordinary people. 

In the ordinary people's law, Donald Trump would be investigated and charged as a criminal, like his formal close associates and convicted criminal Roger Stones and Trumps's formal personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

According to the columnist John Sheirer's article "What Kind of Criminal is Donald Trump?" outlines all the crimes that Donald Trump has committed before and during his presidency. He points out that Donald Trump has not been charged is because he has used his money, power, influence and the presidential immunity to avoid the criminal charges. He has been almost above the law.

According to Wikipedia Legal Affairs of Donald Trump, by June 2016, he has been involved in more than 3,500 legal cases and lawsuits in the previous three decades. 

Donald Trump himself, his company and trust have been the subject of a mountain of investigations, allegations and lawsuits including the rape, sexual assaults and misconducts from at least 25 women. It also includes at least 30 open investigations including 10 federal criminal investigations (including FBI probe to Trump - Russia 2016 election campaign) , eight state and local investigations and 11 congressional investigations.  His personal tax fraud,  illegal activities conducted at his companies and trust have also been investigated. 

During his presidency, his corruption and abuse of national power led to his impeachment, and he has often used the presidential power for personal revenge to show off his dictatorship and Mafia boss style.  Previously unthinkable has become the norm in Trump administration and the negative energy has not just covered America, but also spreading into other countries. 

If he was in China his party membership would have already been stripped off and he would be in jail! His presidency has totally exposed the weaknesses of the American democracy. 

Under Donald Trump America Has Lots Its Soul and the Global Leadership

No wonder, his rival Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden calls him a tyrant, dictator and baggiest threat to democracy and  vows to "Restore America's soul" and to heal, to reform, to united and to "be a path of hope and light."

Under Donald Trump, not just the American's lives, healthcare, economy and democracy are in grave danger, but the global trade, economy, peace, prosperity and our planet are in great danger! 

The November 2020 election in the US is the most important election ever in America's modern history. Whoever wins the election will tell us who Americans really are. It's the election battle Good against the Devil, Evil and the Dark Force. 

"The Lord of the Ring" has landed on the wrong person, it must be destroyed. Donald Trump's presidential power must be stripped off this November, otherwise we are heading for US - China trade, tech and cold wars,  the international tariff wars and the global chaos that are much more dangerous than the Coronavirus pandemic. We will have further economic hardship after experiencing the biggest economic slump since the World War II.

Donald Trump Has Failed in Handling the Country's Four Biggest and the Most Important Crises

As the leader of the United States, Donald Trump has failed miserably in handling the four most important and biggest crises that currently facing the country; the Coronavirus pandemic, economy, social unrest caused by racial injustice and the domestic and global divisions. 

America has the world's highest Coronavirus infections and death tolls with shocking more than 6 million and nearly 190, 000 respectively by the end of August 2020. His handling of the "Black Lives Matter" movement using excessive forces, lack of police reform and the "Law and Order" slogan have only made the black people angry. 

Without effectively controlling the virus, solving the civil unrest and divisions to stabilize the society, the economic growth will be hampered. Donald Trump's incompetence and failure in controlling the Coronavirus pandemic is not just endangering the American lives, health system and economy, but also damaging the global economy. His ignorance and incapable of  handling the four most critical crises is not just dangerous to the US, but to the world.

No matter how much, whoever and whatever he blames for others, as the President of the country, he is 100% responsible for these failures. That's why he is the wrong person to be the next president, it's as simple and as clear as that. 

Trump's Trade war against China that started in 2018 has not just damaged the economies in both countries, but also the rest of the world. The globalization has pulled us much closer together and therefore the escalating tensions and fights between the world's two largest economies have had knock on effect on the global growth and trade. Trump's Cold war against China is much more dangerous than Coronavirus pandemic! 

After the biggest economic slump caused by the virus, America needs a down- to -earth leader who can really able to solve the urgent crises, but not an incompetent, scandalous, corrupted, rhetoric, and the media attention seeking showman - Donald Trump.

The Creation a New Party, Toxic Culture and Trumpism 

The Trump New  Party

Donald Trump has remade a new Party based on the traditional Republican Party with his image, with an emphasis on conservative populism and brash rhetoric. This means he has changed Washington, for most people in a bad way, but not a good way. Most of his voters and supporters are over 45 years old white suburbans, non-college graduates, white supremacists, racists, right - wing groups and conservatives. Many of them are angry and unhappy about the globalization, anti-immigration and the people who are forgotten by the Washington elites. 

Many Republicans have decided to vote for the Democrat, Joe Biden in November 2020 election, despite the fact not supporting him, but to remove Donald Trump to save their  traditional Republican Party. They are worried that another four more years of Trump Administration could turn Texas State into Blue - Democrat, that would make the Republicans very difficult to win the elections in the future. 

One of the most famous case for this is the former New York City mayor, the billionaire businessman, and the owner of the Bloomberg News, Michael Bloomberg. In order to defeat Donald Trump, Mr Bloomberg, a former Republican who turned into a Democrat  even forwarded himself as the 2020 United States presidential election candidate.

Toxic Culture and Trumpism

Donald Trump has recorded unprecedented lies and false statements (according to fact-checkers) in the US presidential history. His corruption, mafia and dictatorship style, frequent abuse of national power for personal revenge, endless scandals, domestic and global "wars" and tensions, demonizing non-white immigrants, stoking controversy and divisions have all rocked the world. 

He has used the rhetoric to defend and justify the evil Nazi Hitler's horrifying ideologies including racism, hatred, white supremacy, xenophobia, extreme nationalism, fascism, and the right - wing policies. His blaming culture, use of the racist, offensive and outrageous remarks and tweets are all extremely harmful especially to the younger generations. 

This world needs love, but not hatred; needs unification, but not division, needs peace, but not wars, chaos and tensions; needs positivity, but not negativity, needs prosperity, but not poverty, needs sunshine, but not darkness. We also need a greener planet  and the racism and white supremacy have no place. That's why Donald Trump MUST be defeated on 3 November 2020.

Unfair, Offensive, Nasty, and Ruthless Mafia Style Attacks on China, the Chinese Companies and Culture

Attacking and demonizing China has become Donald Trump and his administration's norm. I am extremely insulted and humiliated about his attack on China, the Chinese companies and our culture. He calls Coronavirus Chinese virus, Wuhan Virus, Kung Flu, the Chinese plague. The World Heath Organisation prohibits to call a virus base on a country or a region due to the discrimination that could cause. However, as the leader of the most powerful country, he is doing it on purpose to get massive free media coverage. 

He stirs up and fan the anti-Chinese sentiment and increase racism, xenophobia, and the violent and abusive attacks on not just the Chinese - Americans, and also on other Asian - Americans whoever look like the Chinese. He is simply racist, rude, has no manners and no diplomacy

1, Trump's Trade, Tech and Cold Wars against China is to Curb the Rise of China

Donald Trump and his administration are doing everything and using every dirty tricks, often using lies, abusing the national power as "National Security" reasons to suppress the economical and technological development of China for the geopolitical power struggle. For example ban  and sanction on Huawei's 5G, TikTok, WeChat etc. 

Donald Trump has rejected the Chinese 5G and other technologies and decoupling the platforms. He does not care it means America will stay in the 5G and digital slow lane, damage many businesses, consumers have to pay more, reduce productivity, unhappy teenagers. All he cares is personal revenge and his own political games and plots. 

No matter how hard he tries to stop China, but he can't win the surging tide. We said goodbye to the industrial age and have entered the information and technology age. China is leading the global 5G technology and has many ambitious goals such as "Made in China 2025" (high tech products" ,  and to become the leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 2030. 

AI is already used in everyday life by the ordinary people, for example my sister in China uses the face recognition technology to pay for her online shopping by Alipay (the financial arm of Alibaba, owned by the richest man in China Jack Ma). Some airports and train stations have already using this AI technology. 


3,  China and the Chinese companies have unfairly become Donald Trump's scapegoat as he is doing everything to distract, hide and mislead the Americans from the real National Security issue - Russia. 

We all know Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win 2016 election and therefore he has become the pawn and puppet of Putin. The president of the United States is under Russia - the Mafia state's control, that's the real and serious national security concern and the America's democracy is under threat!

Instead, Donald Trump has created a picture and image that China and the Chinese companies are the threat, enemy and the risk to the America's National Security so his connection with Russia can be covered up, distracted and under reported. 

4, Donald Trump is a racist and white supremacist and he can not stand a non-white nation to overtake America to become the largest economy. 

China's the Belt and Road Initiative is going to connect more than 70 countries in East Asia, Australia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe for the global trade, co-operation, friendships, investments and prosperity. Being a racist and white supremacist, Donald Trump who calls Africa "shit-hole countries" and bans Muslims to enter the US would never be able to carry out this kind of multinational project that create wealth and benefits the economies of the counties of different races. On the contrary, Donald Trump and his administration have been demonizing it and try to block the countries to participate. 

The Stark Contrast Compared to His Predecessor, Barack Obama,

Barack Obama is the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, when he was the president of the United States for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation.” Donald Trump has not just undone all the hard work that Mr Obama did, but worst of all, he has increased tensions, divisions, rows and wars with many countries. Trump’s clumsy dormancy must be the worst in the history of the American presidency.

Despite the criticism about winning the Nobel Prize, I believe Mr Obama absolutely deserves the award for inspiring the world. Becoming the first black African – American president in a white dominated country was a huge achievement and inspiration for everyone. He became the proven icon and evidence that “Everything is possible, if you have a dream and work hard to achieve it.” Since I have noticed there are a lot more women and ethnic minorities entering the politics and even taking up senior or cabinet positions in the UK. He has transformed the world’s political landscape. 

November 2020 Re-election Good Against Evil

This fall Donald Trump has nothing to show to the Americans that he is competent enough to lead the country for another four years. He has proved to be incompetent to tackle the current biggest Coronavirus crisis, economy is in meltdown with the highest unemployment rates. He is not just a diving force in America, but trying to divide the world between China and US increasing tensions and detrimental to the global peace and prosperity.

The American election in November 2020 is no longer Democrats against Republicans, it has become Good (Joe Biden) against Evil (Donald Trump) as he does not represent the traditional republicans. Human are flexible in nature, and the Americans should be united together to defeat the evil. 


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