Please Sign the Petition "Provide more funding for stalking advocates for victims of stalking" and Support Gracie's Law

I am a victim of Stalking and Harassment. If you have never been stalked you have no idea what it feels like, but in real life it's a type of abuse, as it makes the victims feel vulnerable.

According to the Stalking Advocacy Service website, Veritas the definition of stalking as  “A pattern of fixated and obsessive behaviour, which is unwanted, repeated, persistent and intrusive and causes fear of violence or engenders alarm and distress in the victim”.

In the legal terms Stalking and Harassment are associated together. 

"Stalking became a criminal offence on the 25th of November 2012. Stalking has no single definition in legislation, which has contributed to an unacceptably low number of recorded crimes and prosecutions. "

Stalking behaviour includes following, watching, spying, monitoring, someone that causes the alarm and distress on the victims. These are the most obvious behaviour my by stalker, but each stalker's behaviour could be different. 

Stalking is illegal and you need to report the stalker to the police as the government website recommended. The national helpline for Stalking is Telephone: 0808 802 0300  and the website

A petition was set up,  "Provide more funding for stalking advocates for victims of stalking" and Support for "Gracie's Law"

On twitter:


What is Gracie’s Law? Ms Gracie Spinks was killed at the young age of 23 by her stalker. Since, Gracie’s Law is the name associated with the petition to allocate more funding to investigating stalking claims.

If you are reading my blog, please sign this petition to show your support. The deadline is 3 February 2022.

It could be any of us being stalked over our life time. It could be your children, family members, friends, or colleagues.... So, your signatures could make huge difference in making many people's life safer, and preventing them from potential harm and threats. 

Make your difference today by signing the petition!!!


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