
Showing posts from 2019

杭州游 - 西湖记

西湖位于浙江省的首府 - 杭州市,是个非常出名的景点,都说不到西湖看,就像没有来过杭州。这里的最主要景点包括,西湖、雷峰塔和千岛湖。关于后两个景点,请读雷峰塔记和千岛湖记博客。 2019 年 8 月我回国探亲,跟我的父母、哥哥和妹妹还有我的侄女团聚,有幸拜访此大名鼎鼎、美丽、富有传奇色彩的湖水。杭州是中国的第一富翁,阿里巴巴的创始人 - 马云( the founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma )的故乡,可惜的是我没有在街上碰到他! 在上海的旅游结束后,我们在那里雇了一辆轿车驰往杭州,大约得了两个多小时。中途我看到有些车牌是绿色的,我就问道: “哥,那些车牌子怎么是绿色的,怎么跟其他的不一样啊?”我在英国长期住,对国内的发展还是“迟钝”,对不起。 “那是电动车,环保,所以特赏绿牌子,一看就是绿色汽车。“ 当时英国还没有这种政策, 当我回国后的 10 月,新闻报导英国也要对电动汽车发行绿色牌子了,我想他们肯定是跟中国学的,因为, 我在英国住,从来没有见过绿牌子的汽车。 我们的酒店就在西湖旁边,这很方便。到那里是已经是傍晚。卸下行李,吃完晚餐后,我们一家在西湖边漫游。跟高楼大厦林立、到处都是霓虹灯闪烁、繁华的南京路和上海相比的话,西湖边感到安静和暗淡。夏天蚊子很多,因此,到西湖一定要准备驱蚊膏等为妙。 第二天我们一早就坐船游西湖,感觉很美,诗情画意。不久我们就到了中间的岛上,那里有四个小湖,其中的一个就是日月潭,湖中有湖。有一个湖里,长满了莲花,有桥和凉亭,非常美丽。慢走在那弯曲的小桥,观望湖水和争奇斗艳的莲花感觉非常诗意。另外,走在两边长满竹子的弯曲卵石道,远离城市的喧嚣,感觉很宁静,心旷神怡。对于在北方长大的我们,壬生第一次经历这么富有南方风格的美景,当然值得千里迢迢的路程了。我们不禁照了很多相片。我的儿子理查德,吹着鸟鸣笛子,也感到很兴奋。 你也许问,西湖不就是挖了一个坑,填得水吗,我的家乡也有。不同的是,西湖自古以来被著名的唐代诗人李白和白居易笔下所吟诵,千古有名。这里又是非常有人气的电视连续剧“新白娘子传奇“的拍摄地点,有雷锋塔和断桥,有神秘的传奇故事,你们有吗?这种诱人的故事和特色使西湖成为名胜古迹独具...

Review of Seven Strategies for Wealth and Happiness By Jim Rohn

I read this book in 2010, and I have decided to write a summary to remind me what are the key points in this book. The author, Jim Rohn's strategies for becoming wealthy and happy are outlined below. Strategy 1, Unleash the Power of Goals. G oal setting is very important in order to achieve what you want in your life. Strategy 2, Seek Knowledge. This is the path to wisdom. Strategy 3, Learn How to Change. Change yourself through personal development. Strategy 4, Control Your Finances. Strive to achieve your financial freedom. Strategy 5, Master Time. We  know time is money, learn how to manage your time in a smart way. Strategy 6, Surround Yourself with Winners. Decide who do you want to spend your time with and who do you want to dissociate with. Strategy 7, Learn the Art of Living Well. We can often review these strategies quickly to remind ourselves how to achieve our dreams.

Review of Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki - Guide to Financial Freedom

I read this book in 2007, it is one of my favorite personal financial books of all time. Robert Kiyosaki is one of the most influential people in my life; his books have completely changed my mindset about money and wealth creation. I have bought and read about 20 books by Robert Kiyosaki and his advisers. The below diagram is his famous Cashflow Quadrant. E stands for: Employee S stands for: Self - Employed B Stands for: Business Owner I Stands for: Investor You are belong to one of these quadrants depend on which quadrants that you are generating your income from. You can belong to more than one quadrant at the same time.  For example you can be an employee or self -employed and at the same time you can also be an investor. A business owner owns a system that work for them. The richest people in the world belong to this quadrant such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg. He said the right side is the rich ground, due to tax ...

Review of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Proven Steps to Riches, Money Secrets and the Law of Success

Think and Grow Rich  by Napoleon Hill is one of my favourite books and it is one of the all time best-selling personal financial books in the world. I read this book in March 2007. I love it so much that I decided to write a review of it on my blog so I can come back and remind myself of the main points and be inspired any time, anywhere in the world. I rated this book five stars at Amazon. I know some people have read this book more than 10 times and some even more! It's amazing to see how popular this book is. This book seeks to inspire people to remember the motto “I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul!” It has guided and helped millions of people who are searching for definite goals and purposes in their life and who want to become rich. Napoleon Hill's question to you is “What genius lies asleep in your brain?” What do you want most in your life? Is it money, fame, power, contentment, happiness or love? This book is based on over 25 years of resea...